Film Title: Nico's Weg
Duration: 103 min
Language: German
Release Date: 15 March 2019
Country: German


        The film Nico's Weg starts with Nico arriving at the airport. Then he acted carelessly by leaving his bag, then the bag was accidentally taken by someone else, finally the bag was lost. Someone named Lisa and her niece, Emma came and asked Nico, because Nico was not fluent in German, Lisa helped him and after knowing the situation, Lisa then intended to help Nico find his bag.


        In my opinion, the film is light to watch, there are no major conflicts, and the film tells about everyday life.

       The cast includes Nico, Lisa, Emma, ​​Selma, Sebastian, and others.

       The cast that I like is Lisa, because Lisa is a kind person, happy to help, and cares.

       The film contains a moral message that we shouldn't act carelessly, and if someone is in trouble we have to help him.

       My favorite part is when Lisa's friend, Selma, finds Nico's bag, then returns the bag to Nico, and when Nico accidentally runs into his aunt, Yara.



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