
Climate Change

GROUP 7  XII MIPA 3 -  Indriati Nurruh (19) How to minimaze Climate Change? Walk, ride your bike, care share, or take public transport Be More Conservative with Energy Usage Plant a tree Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Replace Educate Yourself and Others Encourage the use of renewable energies

Do You Think Social Media is Good for Teens?

GROUP 8 - Indriati Nurruh P (19) Social media for teenager is good, we can interact with old friends even though we are far apart, we can also meet new friends from other countries. On the other side, social media is also bad. Teenager’s mental health can be disrupted if they use social media. For example, we often see selfies or other people's achievements on Instagram and then we compare others with ourselves or maybe we feel jealous of other people's achievements. On another social media, Tiktok, some of the content is not useful and even teaches bad things so that people who watch it may think it is normal and even follow it. Google Docs

Letters: About me

Hi, it's me Indri! Now I'm in 11th grade, 11th grade is a time when people have to start setting their goals and their futures. When other people already know the dream, I myself am still confused. Sometimes people ask me, "What major do you want to enter?", "Which university are you going to?" I honestly don't know what to say. When I was a child I wanted to become a doctor and also because of the encouragement and support from my family, I was sure I wanted to become a doctor. But now, I feel confused about my ideals, I'm not sure I want to become a doctor, but on the one hand I don't know what I want to be, other than being a doctor. I also don't know which university I want to go to, but what I want right now is that I want to study abroad, in Korea to be precise.


Film Title: Nico's Weg Duration: 103 min Language: German Release Date: 15 March 2019 Country: German                     FILM PREVIEW           The film Nico's Weg  starts with Nico arriving at the airport. Then he acted carelessly by leaving his bag, then the bag was accidentally taken by someone else, finally the bag was lost. Someone named Lisa and her niece, Emma came and asked Nico, because Nico was not fluent in German, Lisa helped him and after knowing the situation, Lisa then intended to help Nico find his bag.           REVIEW           In my opinion, the film is light to watch, there are no major conflicts, and the film tells about everyday life.          The cast includes Nico, Lisa, Emma, ​​Selma, Sebastian, and others.         The cast that I like is Lisa, because Lisa is a kind person, happy to help, and cares.         The film contains a moral message that we shouldn't act carelessly, and if someone is in trouble we have to help him.          My favori

Asking and Giving Opinion

Violet: Hello Lily! Lily: Hello Vio! Violet: How are things, Lily? Lily: Things are so good, Thanks. How about you, Vio? Violet: I'm good. Lily, How about the year-end holidays? Lily: My family and I went to Bali. How about you? Violet: I'm just at home, huft. What did you do in Bali? Lily: I went to my sister's house and I visited several places there. Violet:  How do you think your year-end holiday was? Is it fun? (Asking opinion) Lily: Yes, I think this holiday is very fun. by the way I  bought some bracelets as souvenirs. Please take one. (Giving opinion) Violet: Ohh wow, thank you Lily. Lily: What do you think about this bracelet? (Asking opinion) Violet:  I think this bracelet is very beautiful, I really like the color. (Giving opinion) Violet: Lily,  What do you think, is this suitable for me? (Asking opinion) Source: Lily: Y es, I think the bracelet suits you. (Giving opinion) Violet: Alright. Thanks a l

Suggestion and Offer

Independence Day  source: Jane            : Hello Sharon! How do you feel about holding a ceremony for Indonesia's independence day? Sharon        : Hello Jane! Hmm.. I think that is very good. Jane            : Would you like to be the leader of the ceremony? I think you are capable of. (Offering) Sharon        : No, Thanks. I think there are a lot of people who are more capable than I am. Jane            : Do you think so? Sharon        : Yes, I think. Jane            : But- I think you can do it. I suggest you to try it first. Sharon        : If I do it by myself, I can’t. Jane            : May I help you? I will invite some people to help you. Sharon        : Are you serious? Jane            : Of course. Sharon        : Thank you so much to your help. And would you like to be conductor of the ceremony? I think you can do it too. (Offering) Jane            :

Allusion in song lyrics

Allusion in song lyrics: "Firework" - Katy Perry     Link MV song Firework: “You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine Just own the night like the 4th of July ” Allusion: the 4th of July is American Independence Day.  Allusion means: I think the 4th of July in the lyrics to the song "Firework" shows that the spirit within us must be as bright as the night sky which is adorned with as many fireworks as it did on the eve of welcoming the independence of the United States (on the 4th of July), let our spirit run through the sky and make all the annoying things go away. Maintain the spirit and continue to shine. Explanation: The song "Firework" with a spirit theme. The lyrics contain that every problem faced is not the end of everything, there are still many opportunities, what needs to be done is to ignite the fire of spirit in each of us and make it shine as brightly as possible like fireworks.